Rude Pundit
Rude Pundit

As much as I still viscerally despise former president, shitty artist, and war criminal George W. Bush, the man pretty much nailed it early on when, referring to the inauguration speech of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, he said, “That was some weird shit.” That speech, where Trump shit all over the three presidents gathered there and talked about “American carnage,” was genuinely weird in that “Why the fuck is he talking about all that in this dickish way?”

It’s not the first time anyone called Trump “weird.” On his show, John Oliver has regularly gone off about Trump’s innate strangeness. And Trump’s behavior has always been on the creepy side of weird. I know she’s regretted not saying anything, but I do wonder how things would have gone if Hillary Clinton had stopped in the middle of an answer at her second debate, a town hall with Trump in 2016, when he was stalking behind her, so close she could hear his labored breathing and huffing as she answered a question, and said, “Back up, you creep. Get away from me.” They probably would have accused her of being hysterical because that’s how shitty and sexist the media was towards Clinton.