Charlie Pierce Esquire
Charlie Pierce Esquire

Golf is a game of long shafts and balls, and what say we leave it there, okay?

Also, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago looks adorable in a full-body apron.

Semi-seriously, I’m not sure why everybody is making a big deal about this McDonald’s stunt. It was fake? Color me not astonished. It’s an example of what a veteran pol once told me about campaigning: Sooner or later, no matter how smart you are, or how brilliant your strategy is, you have to pet the pig. This was petting the pig, not dissimilar to flipping pancakes in New Hampshire or wolfing down corn dogs at the Iowa State Fair. (In 2000, Republican candidate Gary Bauer nearly killed himself flipping flapjacks in New Hampshire.) And then there was Speaker Moses, appearing with Jake Tapper on CNN, finding himself driven to distraction by the topic at hand. Well, it wasn’t exactly a drive. More like a short putt.

Read the rest of Charlie Pierce’s piece at Esquire Politics