Once the good people of America completely convert this old republic into a Dollar Store dictatorship, I am still going to be astonished at how baffled the January 6 insurrectionists apparently are by the concept of covert operations. Yes, the person who left the pipe bombs in front of the two national party headquarters remains at large, but that person is a tiny exception to a massive rule. On the day of the insurrection, the lot of them behaved like grandmothers on their first trip to Vegas. Between Instagram videos, Tweets, and Facebook extravaganzas, these people simply don’t know when to shut…the…fck…up. They can’t even do it while talking to law enforcement officers who are committed to throwing them into the sneezer for several seasons. Take, for example, this Mark Andrew Mazza cat, who pretty plainly is not the smartest person ever to come out of Shelbyville, Indiana.