Home COLUMNS FROM OUR GUESTS Dr. Irwin Redlener: Pramila Jayapal Is Second Democrat With Coronavirus After Hiding... COLUMNS FROM OUR GUESTS Dr. Irwin Redlener: Pramila Jayapal Is Second Democrat With Coronavirus After Hiding From Rioters With Maskless Republicans January 14, 2021 FacebookTwitterPinterest Irwin Redlener Read Dr. Irwin Redlener’s story at The Daily Beast RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR COLUMNS FROM OUR GUESTS The Rude Pundit: The Simplest Explanation… They Are Evil COLUMNS FROM OUR GUESTS The Rude Pundit: Democrats Need to Stop Being Afraid of Being Democrats COLUMNS FROM OUR GUESTS Robin Abcarian: No one polices men’s bodies the way we police women’s bodies