Amid breathless reports of a political “free fall” and reeling from the White House’s “summer from hell,” the Beltway press has leaned into the idea that Joe Biden’s presidency is unraveling — that his approval rating is in a state of collapse.
Except it’s not true. Instead, it’s the media falling in love with their favorite Dems In Disarray storyline. The same media that shrugged at Trump’s chronically awful approval rating.
In a typical, overheated dispatch, a CNBC report recently announced, “Biden’s Approval Ratings Have Plummeted, and That Could Spell trouble for Democrats in Congress.” First off, the idea that Biden’s approval rating in September 2021, is going to impact the outcome of November 2022, midterms makes no sense. Secondly, Biden’s approval rating has fallen a grand total of four points in the past month, according to the polling average tabulated at FiveThirtyEight. So much for the “plummet.”
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