Rude Pundit
Rude Pundit

The delegates at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee finally got to hear from the rapist last night. Of course, the rapist is a former president, elected when it was suspected he was a rapist, and now the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, which happened after he was adjudicated to be a sexual abuser by a jury, which the judge clarified really meant “rapist.” The people there, from all 50 states, from various walks of life, primarily white, but not exclusively, were elated any time the rapist sat down in the auditorium to listen to other speakers during the convention. Well, more accurately, to fall asleep while others spoke. 

A number of the delegates wore large white patches or bandages on their right ear. It was a way of showing support for the rapist because he had almost been shot and killed a few days before. We don’t know why the would-be assassin targeted him, but it wasn’t for being a rapist. One could wonder if the bullet had taken part of the rapist’s ear off, would they have cut off parts of their own flesh in sympathy. It sadly does not seem out of the realm of possibility. 

Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog…