This week, everyone in the media apparently decided that Joe Biden is too old to be president again. One report from a Trump-appointed former US Attorney that has a few lines simping for MAGA cred by dissing Biden’s memory for shit that happened years ago, and it’s like we have to act like Biden’s crumbling into dust before our eyes like a long-buried mummy who was touched before being preserved. It’s frankly fucked to watch the New York Times and CNN and other outlets climb over each other to try to out-dick one another on Biden’s age.
No shit he’s old. We fucking know that. No shit that he’s flubbed some names and dates. Biden’s been doing that for decades. He’s even joked about it before. And he’s gonna continue to do it just like I’m going to sometimes call my dog by the name of the dog I had 20 years ago. Prove to me that his age has diminished his presidency. Fucking prove that to me and you’ll have an argument to make saying that he should step away.