President Joe Biden has been very clear: No, motherfuckers, he will not answer your goddamned questions about the federal indictment of former president Donald Trump on 38 counts of just being a fucking cockknob and possibly, but not provably (yet), a traitor. Not only will Biden not answer your questions, he won’t comment on it. And he doesn’t want anyone in the White House to talk about it, nor does he want his reelection committee or even the Democratic National Committee to say jack shit. And, yep, as of this writing, the DNC has not a peep on its website.
To an extent, sure, yeah, I get it. As we’re told on tiresome repeat, this prosecution is “unprecedented” and needs to be handled with utmost respect for the Justice Department and for the justice system of the United States in order to preclude any accusations of politicization. I mean, you don’t want people thinking that this is Biden and the Democrats jailing Trump because he’s the leading candidate and almost inevitable presidential nominee for the Republican party. You don’t want them to think that the Justice Department, the Attorney General, or the Special Counsel aren’t acting independently. You wouldn’t ever want that narrative to get out there. You wouldn’t want to help that narrative.