Rude Pundit
Rude Pundit

(Stick with me here. You’re gonna agree and disagree with me strongly throughout the next few scribblings, but stick with me.)

I’ve been cagey, at best, about all this, so let me lay all my cards on the table here: I don’t think Joe Biden should be running for a second term as president of the United States. (Remember: Stick with me.) It’s plainly obvious that he’s declined in the last year or so, with moments of absolute command and power (like the State of the Union, which was a long four months ago). But between the debate disaster and many other appearances where he’s obviously confused or on autopilot, it’s impossible to deny what’s so clear. And it’s kind of ridiculous to see all the praise for when Biden gives a speech with energy, yelling emphatically as if that demonstrates some kind of youthful vigor. Yes, he can read words and even mean them, but all that shows is that he’s not totally incapacitated.  

Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog…