Not to educatorsplain things to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, the enthusiastic genital displayer from Georgia’s 14th District, but during her speech last weekend at one of those endless streams of conservative conferences that seem to be as frequent as a new Marvel thing, she went off, oddly, on how Joe Biden’s policies were helping people. “Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete,” she said. Unsurprisingly, Biden’s campaign for president used Greene’s words approvingly, flipping the context to how, yeah, Biden’s done some good things for the country and thanks, Marj.
But there’s another aspect to Greene’s ignorance that deserves more attention. She very specifically went after Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. She sneered, “The Great Society were [sic] big government programs for education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare” and more things. It should benoted that the fact that what she’s listing are considered bad things by the gathered future fascists of America points to an emptiness in what we might quaintly call their “souls.”