It’s more frustrating than ever to hear conservatives who are opposed to legislation that would expand voter participation, supportive of gerrymandering that specifically reduces the power of non-whites, and losing they goddamned minds over teaching the hard truths about the United States’s racial history quote Martin Luther King, Jr. like they actually give a single segregated fuck about what King really was about. They sure can trot out the whole “judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” without bothering with the radical context. They can directly tie MLK to whatever racist bullshit they want. But they can’t be bothered to fucking learn about King.
Let’s put this as plainly as possible: If you are against voting rights or against getting rid of the filibuster so you can vote for the voting rights you claim you’re for, you may as well just piss on King’s monument in DC. And we will all judge you by the shitty content of your shitty character.