Rude Pundit
Rude Pundit

It’s not hyperbolic to say that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, beat the shit out of former president (no, really, he was once president. Of the whole United States) and current GOP nominee Donald Trump at last night’s debate. She didn’t just get the best of him, throwing down genuine facts and insulting observations in equal measure. She beat him down in a way that he probably hasn’t been beaten down since his hideous father likely pounded him. She degraded his record, reduced his presence, and obliterated his talking points. She was, to this incredibly biased observer, near perfect in her execution of the execution of Trump’s ego. Harris fucked him up good. 

And, goddamn, we needed it. We needed to see someone say exactly who he is with clarity and energy, someone willing to go there, to all those weird and dangerous alleyways where his brain resides, and someone willing to call the Devil “the Devil” to his stupid, evil face. The dichotomy was stark. She’s smart; he’s dumb. She’s poised; he’s belligerent. She gives a damn; he couldn’t fucking care less. She’s lively; he’s a fucking lump.

Read the rest of The Rude Pundit’s piece at his blog…