One of my greatest worries in Joe Biden becoming president was that he “believes that his capacity to forgive and forget with Republicans is an asset” and that he could “work in partnership with Republicans.” I said that back in 2019 as one reason that I didn’t support him in our innocent, pre-pandemic period. And in his previous State of the Union in 2023, that Joe Biden was still on display as he praised vile hate-goblin Mitch McConnell and said, “To my Republican friends, if we could work together in the last Congress, there is no reason we can’t work together in this new Congress,” adding multiple pleas for such unity of purpose.
Well, something shook loose because the President Biden who delivered the 2024 State of the Union last week was fucking done trying win over the savages on the GOP side. And, amid the right-wing commentariat’s hand-wringing about how “political” and “angry” Biden’s speech was, there was an air of “oh, fuck” to their typical nonsense. Some of that “oh, fuck” came from Biden’s display of energy, which threw them off their game of endlessly calling Biden “sleepy” or “weak.” Over on Fox “news,” Sean Hannity, who always looks like he’s about to burp up a little bit of that puppy he ate, hilariously said Biden’s speech was “frightening” and called Biden “Jacked-Up Joe” because “he sounded like a hyper-caffeinated, angry old man.” Frankly, “Jacked-Up Joe” is an awesome nickname. Nutzoid right-wing spoogesock the Washington Times got a doctor to say that Biden had to be on Adderall to have that much energy. (This same psychiatrist told paper in 2021 that “parents are losing their teens…to the influence of teachers, peers and social media pushing political agendas,” so, really, she’s just there to polish the bullshit the Washington Times craps out.)