If we hung out, sometimes you might ask me why, seemingly out of nowhere, I’ve gotten angry. It’s not like there aren’t thousands of reasons all the time to be angry, but, mostly, we all keep that in check. This last two years, though, I haven’t really been able to, and I’d get morose and snippy and generally unpleasant. I can pinpoint why pretty exactly.
It’s not just the pandemic, although that would be enough. It’s not the deaths and suffering, although that never goes away. It’s not about my own experience of this time because I know that I have not had it nearly as bad as so, so many others. It’s specifically when I think about young people, those in college and graduating during this damned period, and all the opportunities that have been lost, all the lives that have been stunted or postponed because of the foolishness of our leaders and the selfishness of a large part of the population. I’m angry for those young people because I’m a generation or two older and we should have been looking out for them and we didn’t. And I’m angry because someone needs to be held to account, and we’re not doing that…