Karl Frisch, Executive Director of AlliedProgress, in Hr 1
Jacki Schechner, Health & Political Guru in Hr 2
Comedian Dana Goldberg LIVE with us in studio Hr 3

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While many have said it before, yesterday, Donald Trump may have truly aborted his chances to become president, with what’s probably the stupidest thing he’s said yet – which, considering the Trumpster fire his campaign has been, is an amazing feat of stupidity, worthy of his supporters. Every candidate for president in both major parties denounced Trump over the comments. Both Pro-choice and anti-choice groups of all kinds were united in saying Trump went too far.

Trump, however, made it even worse, saying the Geneva Conventions are a problem and like NATO should be abandoned. All of this was in the shadow of the 2016 world nuclear security summit in Washington, DC. It’s not a wonder, then, that major corporate sponsors are growing increasingly nervous about participating in this summer’s RNC convention.

Sadly, the Trumpster fire continued, with a 15 year old girl getting sexually assaulted at one Trump rally, while Speaker Paul Ryan got booed in his hometown at another Trump rally.

Meanwhile, the FDA has now made getting a drug-induced abortion easier. Speaking of drugs, President Obama commuted sentences for 61 non-violent drug offenders on Wednesday.

Anderson Cooper’s mom Gloria Vanderbuilt finally disclosed she’d once had a lesbian relationship. Meanwhile, Aaron Sorkin is bringing another new drama to NBC.